Combating Burnout as a Single Working Parent
Article/Op-Ed in Harvard Business Review

June 29, 2021
Brigid Schulte and Stavroula Pabst wrote for the Harvard Business Review about what single-parents can do to avoid burnout:
Women, regardless of their marital status, have borne the brunt of childcare and homeschooling in the pandemic. It’s part of why 2.3 million women have been forced out of the workforce. As a single parent, Griffin had no such option. She felt she was barely holding it together flying solo. The pandemic had cut off her “strategic village” of friends, neighbors, family, childcare, babysitters, carpools, school, after-school programs, and even her ex-husband that she, like so many other single parents, had carefully crafted to make it through each day. The stress had been building for months, then one day, unexpected road closures from wildfires turned a drive home from a board meeting into an eight-hour nightmare. That was it. She called a friend and sobbed, “I just need someone to hit pause for me right now.”