Better Life Lab Experiments

A collection of all of the experiments and resources developed by the BLLx team and its partners.
Feb. 26, 2021

Drawing on the work of academics, behavioral scientists, psychologists, therapists, family and couples counselors and other experts — and families who are successfully sharing the load fairly — we have developed a series of experiments designed to help busy families get stuff done. These experiments are also intended to help all household members think a little longer and harder about the division of labor and nudge everyone toward more gender equality at home. Gender equality starts early — research shows that girls are given more daily, indoor, and lesser valued chores like dishwashing and cleaning, and boys rewarded with higher-paying and more occasional outdoor chores like lawn mowing. So our experiments are designed to involve the whole family, with age-appropriate chores and expectations. Because there's one thing we know for certain: Before we can have equality at work, we need equality at home.

We know that no two households are the same, and not all of our experiments will be right for you. If you do try an experiment at home, please let us know what worked or what could have gone better via this form or at

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Gender Equity