NEW: Envisioning the Future of Child Care: New Round of Reporting Grants Now Available!

The Better Life Lab at New America invites reporters and writers to apply for child care reporting grants.
Press Release
A social graphic featuring a desaturated photo of young toddlers playing with toys including blocks in a child care center. On the right side of the image, there is a translucent teal box with the text "Envisioning the Future of Child Care" on top in white text with a drop shadow. A stripe of white at the bottom includes the New America logo and the words "Better Life Lab" in dark teal.
May 10, 2024

In collaboration with the Bainum Family Foundation, the Better Life Lab at New America is offering a new round of reporting grants for stories that explore visions for the future of child care. Pieces should address one of the core shifts in care outlined by the WeVision EarlyEd program by rethinking when learning begins, who is served, the quality of care, or what it costs and how to pay for it. (You can read more about these shifts here.)

We’re looking for solutions-oriented stories focusing on how and why care issues matter to families, our country, and a thriving economy. We’re open to all mediums, including print and online stories, photojournalism, graphic stories, podcasts, audio stories, multimedia projects, and videography. As always, we’re excited by new and creative storytelling methods that help audiences understand why care matters and how it could play a pivotal role in the upcoming election. Stories should paint a vision of what’s possible in the future and both new and experienced reporters are welcome to apply. We also welcome people with traditionally underrepresented viewpoints and perspectives in media.

Please send pitches to Rebecca Gale at Stories will be commissioned on a rolling basis beginning in May 2024. Journalists chosen for this program will also be invited to participate in the Better Life Lab’s reporting cohort and receive editorial guidance and placement assistance. Find a list of previous stories and grantees of the Better Life Lab’s Child Care Innovation Reporting Project here.