[ONLINE] - How to Maximize Federal Investments Toward Workforce Development in Emerging Technology Fields

Through the bipartisan passage of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, Congress made a historic and much-needed investment in U.S. semiconductor manufacturing, research, and development through catalyzing programs to support regional innovation at federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).
Another critical contribution of the Act was the focus Congress put behind emerging technology development and workforce training including in AI, autonomous vehicles, and the green economy.
Among the Act’s contributions, it established the first new directorate at the U.S. National Science Foundation in over 30 years–the Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (TIP) Directorate, which accelerates the translation of federal research investments into new technologies, quality jobs, and equitable pathways to those jobs. The Act also enshrined 10 key technology focus areas to set a clear roadmap for U.S. science, technology, and innovation policy in support of growing an inclusive innovation economy.
Where does this work stand and where is it headed? On October 6, join the Center on Education and Labor at New America (CELNA) as it launches its Initiative on the Future of Work and the Innovation Economy. Leaders from NSF, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the U.S. Department of Labor will participate in a policy dialogue with CELNA about workforce development issues in the emerging technology sectors, how the CHIPS and Science Act is unlocking new opportunities for technology-focused workforce development, and what additional policy investments are needed to realize the vision of an inclusive innovation economy.
Follow the conversation and provide live questions and commentary on Twitter with the hashtag #EmergingTechWorkforce and by following the Twitter handle @NewAmericaEd. Follow New America – Education Policy Program on LinkedIn.
Cristina Killingsworth, @CommerceGov
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and External Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Employment & Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Assistant Director for the Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships Directorate, U.S. National Science Foundation
Shalin Jyotishi, @ShalinJyotishi
Senior Advisor for Education, Labor, and Future of Work at New America
Mary Alice McCarthy, @McCarthyEdWork
Senior Director, Center on Education and Labor at New America