[ONLINE] - Tax Credits for the People: Successful State Simplified Filing Pilots


This event will take place from 1:30-3:00pm CST / 2:30-4:00pm EST.

Filing for tax credits doesn’t have to be intimidating and two successful state programs are proving it. Join New America Chicago and the New Practice Lab to learn more about two exciting initiatives that are transforming the conversation about access to state tax credits for struggling families.

Originally started in 2020, an Illinois pilot program successfully increased access to the state Earned Income Tax Credit with a seamless approach for consumers that reaches out to them proactively with pre-populated returns. A partnership between New Practice Lab and New York led to additional findings that could move the needle on access to much needed tax credits. These efforts show that a simplified filing approach like the one used in many countries and for last year’s Child Tax Credit could greatly improve taxpayers’ experiences, while increasing access to valuable tax credits for low-income people. Expanding state simplified filing through creative cross-departmental partnerships would allow thousands more low-income residents to receive tax credits they deserve but rarely receive. Learn more about how the program was designed, challenges faced along the way, and how to use the lessons learned to increase the number of low-income people receiving needed cash through Earned Income Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits. 

The program will include recommendations for additional steps states can take to ensure recent state Earned Income Tax Credit expansions make it to newly eligible community members.

Speakers include: Whitney Elders and Jason Poling (Illinois Department of Revenue), Tara Dawson McGuiness (The New Practice Lab), Meegan Dugan Adell and Vanessa Rangel (New America Chicago), Alberto Rodriguez-Alvarez (New America) and Ianna Kachoris (The Chicago Community Trust).

This briefing is co-hosted by The Chicago Community Trust, United Way of Illinois, Economic Security for Illinois (an affiliate of Economic Security Project), Shriver Center on Poverty Law, Children’s Home + Aid, and Illinois Families for Public Schools.