New America's Cybersecurity Initiative at NATO's CyCon
Press Release
May 27, 2015
Tallinn, Estonia - This week New America's Ian Wallace and Robert Morgus, are in Tallinn, Estonia addressing NATO's Cooperative Cyber Defence Center of Excellence (CCDCOE)
at its annual CyCon conference.Mr. Wallace, Senior Fellow with the International Security Program and Co-Director of the Cybersecurity Initiative, will moderate a panel entitled "Defending the Nation in Cyberspace," exploring the role of the armed forces in cyberspace.
Mr. Morgus, invited comments on New America's interactive Cyber Definitions Database and discuss the importance of common lexicon in building common understandings and confidence in cyber space. In addition, his and Director of the Global Cyber Norms and Resilience PRoject and Cybersecurity Initiative Head of Research Tim Maurer's paper "Technological Sovereignty: Missing the Point?" will be presented by co-author Isabel Skierka during "The Future of Internet Governance" session and features prominently in the conference publication.