Smart Dubai, Building The Happiest City On Earth

Article/Op-Ed in Forbes
March 9, 2019

Dante Disparte wrote for Forbes about Dubai’s digital transformation as a model for other governments.

It was a fitting scene, on a fitting day, at a fitting place to sit down for an exclusive interview with Dr. Aisha Bin Bishr and her colleague Zeina El Kaissi, respectively the Director General and the head of emerging technology for Smart Dubai. We sat down for a conversation at the World Bank Group on International Women’s Day. Dubai, the modern archetype of an advanced city-state has dispatched a worthy emissary in Dr. Aisha to tell a gathering at the World Bank about her experiences in leading Dubai’s now 15-year-old digital transformation journey. Following this diverse audience at the World Bank, their next stop is SXSW in Austin, to share the outcomes of building the happiest place on earth and how an array of emerging technologies and citizen-centric applications play a part in building Smart Dubai.