How Elite Power Brokers Corrupt Our Finances, Freedom, and Security

A new professional class of movers and shakers—people who serve overlapping roles in government, business, and media with smiling finesse—is controlling the flow of power and money in America. In her latest book, UNACCOUNTABLE: How Elite Power Brokers Corrupt Our Finances, Freedom and Security, anthropologist and award-winning author, Janine Wedel reveals the patterns and practices of a new and more sophisticated style of corruption that has infiltrated every level of society.
Wedel charts a fast–evolving system of power and influence that is utterly unaccountable to those it is obligated to serve. As average citizens languish, one thing flourishes: a new, insidious form of corruption practiced by players cutting across boundaries and plying influence with unprecedented ease. Wedel further emphasizes that the hallmark of this alarming "new corruption" is the violation of public trust.
Join author Janine Wedel and New America’s Economic Growth Policy Director, Michael Lind for a comprehensive discussion of the corruption that increasingly affects the everyday lives of American citizens.
Join the conversation online using #UNACCOUNTABLE and by following @NewAmerica.
Janine Wedel
Author, UNACCOUNTABLE: How Elite Power Brokers Corrupt Our Finances, Freedom, and Security
Professor, School of Public Policy, George Mason University
Michael Lind
Policy Director, Economic Growth Program, New America