Rebuilding the Classrooms Across America
The hardships exacerbated by the pandemic offer a chance to improve public education in the U.S.
Article/Op-Ed in U.S. News and World Report

March 3, 2021
Elena Silva authored a piece in U.S. News and World Report that recaps where schools stand on remote learning, student wellbeing, and support for educators one year on from the start of the pandemic and school closures.
NEARLY A YEAR HAS passed since the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a massive school shutdown across the United States. In a matter of weeks, more than 100,000 public and private schools were forced to close their doors and suspend in-person learning. The pivot to online at-home learning caused major and immediate disruptions for millions of children and their parents, who found themselves scrambling to create ad-hoc home school and child care arrangements while also working.
Read the full article here.