The build4good Internship Experience

build4good an initiative at new america logo
Dec. 20, 2023

What is build4good?

build4good, an initiative of New America, is an intern-mentorship program that matches post-secondary students who are majoring in computer science, integrated digital media, UI/UX design, or other technology-related fields to mission-driven nonprofit organizations with technology-specific project needs.

This mostly remote summer intern-mentorship program aims to inspire a network of future leaders to develop socially minded technology, discover public interest and social impact careers, and help nonprofits harness the power of technology for social good.

Since summer of 2020, build4good student interns embark on a 10-12 week paid project-based mentorship and skill-building journey. The build4good internship provides students with opportunities to transfer classroom-learned skills to real-world application, add new technical skills, gain 21st-century skills such as collaboration, project management, problem-solving and communication, and explore potential careers in the public interest technology and social impact sectors.

Host organizations have access to students with skills such as website design and development, app design and development, backend development, data visualizations including interactive web maps, data analytics, expanding online community engagement, and addressing privacy/security challenges.

For more information:

Host and Student Application Process

  • Nonprofit organizations interested in hosting a build4good intern can fill out a brief interest form or email to schedule an exploratory conversation.
  • For summer 2024 internships, the application will open January 8, 2024 for post-secondary students majoring in computing-related fields, including computer science, integrated digital media, or UI/UX design.
  • For detailed information on application process and intern and host responsibilities, see build4good’s manual for interns and host organizations.
  • Post-secondary institutions and student groups may reach out to to find out how they can help inform potential candidates of the opportunity.