Connecting Apprenticeship and Higher Education

If you couldn't make this launch event, you can view its recording above or click this link to view Mary Alice McCarthy, Iris Palmer, and Michael Prebil's policy paper "Connecting Apprenticeship and Higher Education: Eight Recommendations."
What's it going to take to grow apprenticeship in the United States? Over the last five years, Republicans and Democrats have been trying to expand apprenticeship into new industries. And while there has been some growth - the number of registered apprentices grew from 375,000 in 2013 to 505,000 in 2016 - these numbers are a drop in the bucket compared to the 17 million undergraduates enrolled in college and university.
Apprenticeship's small footprint in the United States is due in part to its near complete absence from our academic postsecondary education system, which is where most Americans turn for career preparation. Our research indicates that Americans are far more likely to consider apprenticeship as an attractive option for themselves and their children when it can be connected and accessed through our higher education system. Public policy can enable these stronger and more seamless connections.
Please join New America and the Center on Education & Skills on December 6th for an event with policy experts and practitioners on how to support the creation of apprenticeship programs at colleges. Experts will cover how to finance related technical instruction delivered at colleges, and how to design programs in fields where apprenticeship is a new phenomenon.
Join the conversation on Twitter with #ApprenticeshipForward
Opening Remarks:
Diane Jones
Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary, US Department of Labor
Policy Panel:
Sue Smith
Vice President for Technology Division at Ivy Tech Community College
Eleni Papadakis
Executive Director at the Washington Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board
Angela Hanks, @AngelaHanks
Associate Director, Workforce Development Policy at Center for American Progress
Daniel Bustillo
Director of the Healthcare Career Advancement Program
Jeff Selingo, @jselingo
Writer, Special Advisor, Arizona State University/ Visiting Scholar, Georgia Tech
Program Design Panel:
Keisha Powell
Workforce Development Consultant at Fairview Health Services
Carol Austin
Executive Director at the Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children
Ta’Mora Jackson
Early Childhood Education Coordinator at District 1199C Training & Upgrading Fund
Jennie Sparandara
Vice President for Global Philanthropy at JPMorgan Chase & Co.