Biden’s Labor Department Launches WIOA Campaign To Promote Job Quality And Equit

In The News Piece in Forbes
Oct. 27, 2022

Shalin Jyotishi wrote an article for Forbes about Yes, WIOA Can! A new campaign Labor Deputy Secretary Julie Su has launched to dispel myths about WIOA, especially around job quality and equity.

The U.S. Department of Labor has launched a new campaign to dispel myths about the federal workforce development funding system—the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Modeled after the Obama-era slogan “Yes, we can” the Yes, WIOA Can! campaign was announced by the Deputy Secretary of Labor Julie Su earlier this month.

Signed into law in 2014, WIOA provides $3.6 billion annually to help job seekers access training and support to find employment. Eighty percent of WIOA funding is given directly to states who distribute the funds.

Rather than legislative chances, the Yes, WIOA Can! campaign aims to clarify how flexible WIOA funds can be under existing policies and how WIOA can be leveraged by states and local government, workforce boards, unions, employers, and community-based organizations to promote “innovation, equity, and job quality” across the U.S. workforce development system supported by WIOA.

Read the full article here