Child Care vs. Daycare: 12 ECE Experts on Why Words Matter

In The News Piece in Moment Path
June 4, 2019

Lisa Guernsey, was quoted by Moment Path on using "child care" as better terminology than "day care." She said, "we need to put children into our vocabulary to recognize the importance of this experience for our youngest learners.”

Hitting straight to the heart of it, Lisa Guernsey, Director at Learning Technologies Project and Senior Advisor on Early and Elementary Education Policy New America, points out the linguistic errors within the term ‘daycare’.
“Firstly,” she says, “it is the child that receives care, not the day. We need to put children into our vocabulary to recognize the importance of this experience for our youngest learners.”
“Secondly, sometimes parents need child care in evening hours too. We cannot forget the brave but struggling single parents who are working late-night shifts.”