Pandemic shows problems persist in poor Americans’ home internet access

In The News Piece in The Catholic Sun
Aug. 3, 2021

Recent research from Lisa Guernsey was featured in an article from The Catholic Sun about families who lack internet access and how they struggled to stay connected during the pandemic.

Even though the divide has been narrowed in recent years, internet access can be likened to the folds of an accordion playing “Lady of Spain”: Now you see it, now you don’t.

A new survey conducted by Rutgers University’s School of Communication and Information and commissioned by the New America think tank, formerly the New America Foundation, illustrates just how those gaps manifested themselves in the first year of the coronavirus pandemic.

Rutgers did the survey by phone — there was no online option, tellingly — of more than 1,000 parents of children ages 3-13, all with household incomes below $75,000, the national median for U.S. families.

Read the full article here.