Our 8 Recommendations for Improving Local and National Eviction Data

Blog Post
April 20, 2021

Nearly 3 million Americans are evicted each year, and experts estimate that number may grow tenfold due to the economic fallout of COVID-19. To create a robust and informed anti-eviction strategy, we must understand the scope of evictions and their devastating impact on communities over time.

Here are our 8 Recommendations for Creating Local and National Eviction Data Systems that have been co-developed with and co-signed by:

  • Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation
  • Eviction Lab
  • Georgetown’s Civil Justice Data Commons
  • January Advisors
  • National League of Cities
  • National Low Income Housing Coalition
  • New America
  • Stanford Law School Legal Design Lab
  • UNC Greensboro Center for Housing and Community Studies

These recommendations are part of a longer report titled “Why is Eviction Data so Bad?”

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