[ONLINE] - Future Security Forum 2021: Day One
20x20: Redefining National Security for 2040

New America and Arizona State University are pleased to invite you to the 2021 Future Security Forum, which will be held online September 13-14, 2021. This year’s Forum marks the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Forum sessions will reflect on the past 20 years of U.S. security policy, and chart the next 20 years of national and international security trends.
The Forum is the premier annual event of New America and Arizona State University’s Future Security project—a research, education, and policy partnership that develops new paradigms for understanding and addressing new and emerging global challenges. The Forum brings together thought leaders from government, academia, the military, and the media to reflect on the legacy of the United States’ “longest wars,” discuss the impact of the past two decades of U.S. policy, and chart national and international security trends.
Co-sponsors for the 2021 Future Security Forum are Joint Special Operations University and the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College.
Day One Agenda
12:30 pm - Welcome Remarks
- Anne-Marie Slaughter, DPhil, CEO, New America, former director of Policy Planning for the U.S. Department of State
- James O’Brien, Senior Vice President of University Affairs and Chief of Staff to President Michael Crow, Arizona State University
12:45 pm - Redefining National Security Over the Next 20 Years
- Heather Hurlburt, Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America
- Alexandra Stark, PhD, Senior Researcher, Political Reform Program, New America
1:00 pm - What is the Future of Conflict in Space?
- General John W. "Jay" Raymond, Chief of Space Operations, United States Space Force
- Peter Singer, PhD, Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America, Professor of Practice, Arizona State University (moderator)
1:45 pm - What is the Future of Intelligence?
- Dustin Gard-Weiss, Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Policy and Capabilities, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
- Neil Wiley, Former Principal Executive, Office of the Director of National Intelligence; former Chairman of the National Intelligence Council at ODNI; former Director for Analysis, Defense Intelligence Agency
- Genevieve Lester, PhD, De Serio Chair of Strategic Intelligence at the US Army War College
- Carol V. Evans, PhD, Director, Strategic Studies Institute and the USAWC Press at the US Army War College (moderator)
2:30 pm - Break
2:45 pm - What Should Special Operations Forces Look Like by 2040?
- Command Chief Master Sergeant Greg A. Smith, Special Operations Command (SOCOM) Senior Enlisted Leader
- LTC Katie B. Crombe, J5 Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT)
- Maj. Akhil R. Iyer, Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC) (confirmed)
- CPT Shaye L. Haver, Aide-de-Camp to the Commander Joint Task Force – Natioal Capital Region & Military District of Washington
- Col. (ret) Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, PhD, President, Joint Special Operations University, Senior Fellow, International Security Program, New America, Professor of Practice, Arizona State University (moderator)
3:30 pm - Artificial Intelligence: What are the Implications for International Humanitarian law?
- Jonathan Horowitz, Legal Advisor, International Committee of the Red Cross
- Candace Rondeaux, Director, Future Frontlines, New America, Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
3:45 pm - Diversity in Security Policy-Making: A Progress Report
- Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Department of State
- Bishop Garrison, Senior Adviser to the Secretary of Defense for Human Capital, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Commander (ret) Theodore Johnson, DLP, 2017 Eric & Wendy Schmidt Fellow, New America, Director, Fellows Program, Brennan Center for Justice, Former Speechwriter to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Heather Hurlburt, Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America (moderator)
4:30 pm - UFOs Identified by the US Military: What Do They Mean?
- Gideon Lewis-Kraus, 2017 National Fellow, New America, Staff Writer, The New Yorker