Watch: Screening of Copa '71

Following the documentary screening, join a conversation with sports historian Dr. Victoria Jackson.

The Guardian describes the extraordinary footage in this documentary of capacity crowds and euphoric atmosphere in the 1971 Women's World Cup in Mexico as an "alt-reality hallucination" of what might have been had the ruling bodies of the world's default sport not been so hostile to the women's game for most of the 20th Century.  Despite the hostility and rejection of FIFA and national federations, the summer after Pelé lifted the Jules Rimet Cup in the other iconic Mexico World Cup, the final for the second non-FIFA Women's World Cup once again filled the Azteca Stadium for a record-breaking milestone in the history of women's sport.  It is an oft-overlooked milestone, an oversight this remarkable documentary is seeking to remedy with its riveting footage and heartfelt, humorous testimonials of World Cup players.

Join New America's Future Security Program and ASU's Great Game Lab for a screening of this documentary a conversation with sports historian Dr. Victoria Jackson.