Has A.I. Changed Everything?


This event will be taking place in-person in Mexico City, Mexico. The event will be in English, with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish available.

Disruptive technologies never reveal their impact in tidy increments or in a straight line. Tech revolutions occur in fits and starts, and hype-filled boom-bust cycles.

A.I. is different, we’re told, from other new technologies—but how different is it really? And even though we’re all talking about the novelty of generative A.I. and large language models like ChatGPT*, how new is the broader concept of A.I. in our daily lives? Most importantly, what are the opportunities and challenges A.I. will present us with in the next five, 10 years?

Join Convergence Lab CDMX, Future Tense, and Letras Libres to consider these questions with Andrew Maynard, a professor of advanced technology transitions at Arizona State University.

The event will be in English, with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish available.

*ASU is the first university to sign a partnership agreement with Open AI, granting it access to ChatGPT Enterprise.


Andrew Maynard

Professor of Advanced Technology Transitions, Arizona State University