[ONLINE] Free Speech Project: Symptoms May Include Censorship

Free speech was already threatened in many parts of the world before the spread of the coronavirus, and the ensuing pandemic has provided authoritarian-leaning regimes everywhere within an excuse to silence criticism and opposition. Meanwhile, the tech companies that serve as gatekeepers to the public square find themselves navigating between the demands of these regimes and the interests of their users, and questioning whether they shouldn't exercise their own judgment in policing against misinformation.
Join Future Tense for a conversation with Steve Coll and Andres Martinez to assess the pandemic's side effects when it comes to free speech around the world.
Steve Coll, @SteveCollNY
Dean, Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University
Staff Writer, The New Yorker
Former President and CEO, New America
Andrés Martinez, @andresDCmtz
Editorial Director, Future Tense
Join the conversation online using #FreeSpeechProject and following @FutureTenseNow.
The Free Speech Project is in partnership with the Tech, Law & Security Program at American University Washington College of Law: