[POSTPONED] - Gaming Now More Than Ever
Note: This event has been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date.
With so many people stuck at home, more and more are using gaming to explore, escape, and forge connections. As we all grab a controller, we’re starting to embrace the positive role that gaming can play in our lives. Is the end of game-shaming finally here? Or, was the Animal Crossing release just the best-timed rollout in history?
Join Future Tense on Tuesday, June 9 for less than an hour at 4:00 pm EDT for a conversation about our evolving relationship with gaming.
Jane C. Hu, @jane_c_hu
Future Tense Contributor, Slate
Independent science journalist
Jane McGonigal, @avantgame
Director of Game Research and Development, Institute for the Future
Author, Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World
Follow the conversation online using #SocialDistancingSocials and following @FutureTenseNow.