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*Data displayed in charts do not account for statistical significance. To download the cross tabs with statistical significant demarcations, use the button below. The zip file also contains the survey instrument and the raw data.
I. Higher Education & the Economy
- Compared to when your parents were your age, do you think doing the following goals have gotten easier to attain, harder to attain, or are about the same?
- Agree or disagree: There are lots of good-paying jobs that do not require college.
- Agree or disagree: American society respects people who did not go to college.
- Agree or disagree: It is easier to be successful with a college degree than without.
II. Students & Funding
- To the best of your knowledge, please tell me if the following statements about higher education funding are true or false.
- To the best of your knowledge, please tell me if the following statements about the typical college student are true or false.
III. Paying for College
- How confident, if at all, are you that you made the right financial decisions regarding how you are paying or paid for college?
- Did you use any sources to help you pay for your higher education?
IV. Sector-by-Sector
- Agree or disagree: [Institution type] are for people in my situation.
- Agree or disagree: [Institution type] prepare people to be successful.
- Agree or disagree: [Institution type] are worth the cost.
- Agree or disagree: [Institution type] contribute to a strong American workforce.
- Agree or disagree: [Institution type] always put their students first.
V. Purpose & Accountability
- In your opinion, is higher education mainly about getting a degree or gaining knowledge?
- In your opinion, is a higher education system good for society or is higher education mostly a private benefit for individual graduates?
- Which of the following is closer to your point of view regarding success of students in higher education? The student is solely responsible, or the university needs to assist in the success of its students.
- In your opinion, do higher education leaders generally put the needs and interests of students first or put the long-term interests of their schools first?
- Agree or disagree: Higher education in America is fine how it is.
- Agree or disagree: All Americans have a decent chance of getting into a good college.
- Agree or disagree: Most people who enroll in higher education benefit.
VI. Government Involvement
- Agree or disagree: The federal government is having a positive impact on the higher education system.
- Agree or disagree: My state government is having a positive impact on the higher education system.
- Agree or disagree: Higher education institutions in my state should act with greater independence from the government.