'Ultimate Deal' or Ultimate Demise? Palestinian-Israeli Peace Under Trump


Former Middle East Task Force co-chairs Amjad Atallah and Daniel Levy return to New America to assess where the Trump administration’s proclamation recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital leaves the two-state solution and the Palestinian movement for freedom, justice and equality. 

The president tweeted that his decision was aimed at taking the Holy City off the negotiation table thereby facilitating a re-launch of peace talks. Is this part of the president’s plan for the ‘ultimate deal’ or is the Jerusalem Proclamation and the subsequent decision to drastically cut US contributions to UNRWA aimed at securing the ultimate demise of the Palestinian national project? Atallah and Levy will offer their perspectives and look at what might lie ahead for Israelis and Palestinians. 

A light breakfast will be served.


Daniel Levy
President, U.S./Middle East Project 

Amjad Atallah@atallahamjad
CEO, Vortex International, LLC 
Co-founder, Women for Women International


Zaha Hassan, @zahahassan
Middle East Fellow, New America