Some thoughts I must share about the last few days

Press Release
Flickr Creative Commons/Johnny Silvercloud
June 2, 2020

New Americans,

I write to you with a heavy spirit. And I am struggling to articulate the right words, if there is such a thing, but compelled to say something as a leader at New America because silence is not an option in this moment. 

I trust you’ve seen the news about the senseless murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. He died face-down, in the street, because an officer kneeled on his neck and refused pleas for mercy. Mr. Floyd said he was hurting and couldn’t breathe, but his pain was disregarded just like Eric Garner’s was before he was killed in 2014 after uttering the same words, “I can’t breathe.” But that’s not the only reason my spirit is heavy. It’s also heavy because his murder is one of several brought to light recently, and it’s added to the growing list of Black people who’ve died going about their everyday lives doing things that you and I do everyday. And, my spirit is heavy because over 100,000 people have died of Covid-19, and people of color - particularly Black and LatinX people - have died at disproportionate rates. I wonder, when will it end?? 

It is so taxing, and tiring, to see the communities you love under constant assault. It is taxing, and tiring, to witness our humanity ignored. It is taxing, and tiring, to witness people treated differently because of the color of their skin. We compartmentalize to cope and survive so that we can do the work to make this a better world and so our current realities might shift, yet sometimes it is a struggle to compartmentalize the deep hurt and anger from the injustices witnessed by the racism which pervades our everyday lives. 

I suspect that all of us are feeling this in some way, and some are feeling this very intensely. I am, as I mentioned, in the latter category. I write, if nothing else, but to say, I understand.

I encourage you to do more than think/say, what a shame. Even if your work directly touches helping those who are the marginalized in our society, ask yourself what else you might do. Learn how you can be more of an ally, as applicable.

I leave you with an answer I gave when asked “now what?” so that our silence doesn’t signal complicity in these moments and beyond: we call; we write; we vote; we speak with our feet and our wallets and our voices. And we encourage and enable others to do the same.

We can do better as a country and we must do better as a country. We must reflect on our individual thoughts and behaviors and we must consider our collective action. I will not stop until change happens for the better and I trust you will do the same.

As always, thanks for all you do to support and carry out our mission of realizing the promise of America.

