10 Reasons You Should Intern at OTI

Blog Post
Feb. 27, 2018

Ever dreamed of interning at a tech policy think tank? If you immediately answered “yes!” then we’d love to have you. If you need some convincing, check out the 10 ways you’ll know if you’re the right fit for OTI.

1. You’re  passionate about tech policy. Surveillance, encryption, broadband access and adoption, and internet performance measurement are just a few of the topics we cover every day.

Leslie Says

2. You’re curious about the way that technology is ingrained in people’s lives, and want to understand how it manifests in local, state, and federal policy.


3.  You know that access to phone and broadband connectivity matters - and is vital to bridging the digital divide.


4.  You want help save net neutrality (and find a way to create and share all the memes.)


5. You like to write a lot, and you like to write quickly. (Bonus points if it includes data!)


6.You’re interested in exploring new ways to talk about technology policy and making it accessible to people outside of Washington, DC.

West Wing

7. You have strong thoughts on the use of surveillance tools and technologies.


8. You want to get paid for your hard work.


9. Your vision of the internet and technology has….evolved, over time.


10. You want to learn from passionate, committed colleagues working to keep the internet both open and secure.


*Bonus: She who writes the blog gets to pick the gifs #commsinternship*


Ready to apply for OTI’s summer internships? Great! Apply here:

Communications Internship

Legal Public Policy Internship

Data Journalist Internship

And be sure to check out the Google Public Policy Fellowship for the chance to work with OTI or other leading D.C. nonprofits, think tanks, and advocacy groups!