‘New Text, Same Problems’: Inside the Fight over Child Online Safety Laws
In The News Piece in The Guardian
March 11, 2024
OTI Policy Director Prem Trivedi is quoted in an article from The Guardian on recent debates over the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), with Trivedi highlighting exactly what’s at stake in these discussions.
“Rather than protecting children, this could impact access to protected speech, causing a chilling effect for all users and incentivizing companies to filter content on topics that disproportionately impact marginalized communities,” said Prem M Trivedi, policy director at the Open Technology Institute, which opposes Kosa.
Trivedi said he and other opponents fear that important but charged topics like gun violence and racial justice could be interpreted as having a negative impact on young users, and be filtered out by algorithms. Many have expressed concern that LGBTQ+-related topics would be targeted by conservative regulators, leading to fewer available resources for young users who rely on the internet to connect with their communities. Blackburn, the bill’s sponsor, has previously stated her intention to “protect minor children from the transgender [sic] in this culture and that influence”.
“This is an emotionally fraught topic - there are urgent online safety issues and awful things that happen to our children at the intersection of the online world and the offline world,” said Trivedi. “In an election year, there are heightened pressures on everyone to demonstrate forward movement on issues like this.”