South Korea Gripped by Deepfake Porn Sex Crime Crisis

In The News Piece in Newsweek
A a white masquerade mask lies on cracked concrete.
Sept. 26, 2024

Lilian Coral, vice president of New America's Technology and Democracy programs and head of the Open Technology Institute, is quoted in a Newsweek article about the non-consensual deepfake porn crisis in South Korea.

"In many cases, even with legislation in place, addressing the growth of deepfakes requires action by the social media platforms through which they propagate—and public pressure to motivate these platforms to act. Earlier this year, we noted Taylor Swift's online community put on a strong defense against non-consensual sexual images of the artist spreading across social media," Coral said.
"The Swifties were able to find and identify the source of the content and flood X with #ProtectTaylorSwift posts that drowned out the images. At the same time, this raised the visibility needed to force companies like X and Microsoft to take action. This exemplifies how the power of the crowd can help us model more technical and public engagement strategies to combat this unfortunate phenomena," she said.
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