Companies Urge Congress to Pass Net Neutrality Measure
Press Release

May 15, 2018
Today, 85 companies urged Congress to pass a measure (S.J.Res. 52) that uses the Congressional Review Act to retain the net neutrality rules that the Federal Communications Commission repealed six months ago. The companies, organized by New America’s Open Technology Institute, include many high-growth businesses in a broad cross-section of industries, such as Yelp, Warby Parker, Sonos, ADT, Etsy, and Vimeo.
“Congress should protect the internet by passing a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act, thereby restoring strong net neutrality rules at the federal level,” the companies wrote in a letter to congressional leadership. The Senate is expected to vote on the measure on Wednesday.
The following quote can be attributed to Sarah Morris, Director of Open Internet Policy at New America’s Open Technology Institute:
“Strong rules that protect an open internet ensure that business owners and consumers can reach one another without harmful manipulation or demands for payment from internet service providers. The principles of net neutrality have fostered economic growth and helped sustain businesses small and large. Congress should heed the advice of these businesses, and ensure that enforceable rules of the road remain for internet users.”