OTI Applauds Confirmation of Anna Gomez to FCC, Sets Sights on Reconfirming Geoffrey Starks, Closing Digital Divide, Restoring Consumer Protections

Press Release
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Sept. 7, 2023

Today, the Senate confirmed veteran government telecommunications lawyer Anna Gomez to fill the vacant fifth seat at the Federal Communications Commission, making her the first Latina to sit on the FCC since 2001.

Gomez — most recently Senior Advisor for International Information and Communications Policy at the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy — has more than 25 years of experience in telecommunications and technology issues, including 12 years of experience at the FCC and more than 4 years of experience at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

To truly secure a fully functional FCC, the Senate must now confirm current FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks to the additional term for which President Biden nominated him in May 2023 — otherwise, Starks must leave the FCC by January 3, 2024.

The following quote can be attributed to Lilian Coral, Vice President of Technology and Democracy Programs at New America and Head of OTI:

“OTI is elated to see the Senate confirm Anna Gomez as an FCC Commissioner. She is not only an exceedingly qualified expert in telecommunications and technology, but also an ardent advocate for the public interest. We celebrate that Gomez will be the first Latina Commissioner in over 20 years, and hope that she will help guide the agency in addressing online disinformation and hate speech, barriers to internet access and adoption, and other tech-related issues that disproportionately impact historically marginalized communities in an increasingly diverse United States.

“On all fronts, Gomez’s confirmation has been long overdue. She possesses the skills, passion and background necessary to advance the FCC’s agenda, and we are confident that she will devote her time on the Commission to both ensuring that everyone in the United States has access to fast, affordable and reliable internet service, and crafting a national spectrum strategy that serves the common good.

“Furthermore, Gomez’s confirmation marks the end of the FCC’s nearly 3-year-long partisan stalemate. A fully functional FCC is finally at hand — though we need Commissioner Starks reconfirmed to truly secure it. We look forward to working with Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel, Gomez and the other Commissioners to not only close the digital divide, but also reinstate the crucial network neutrality and consumer protections repealed under the Trump Administration’s FCC. The real work begins now.”

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