OTI Moves Forward with Net Neutrality Lawsuit
Press Release

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Aug. 21, 2018
On Monday, New America’s Open Technology Institute (OTI) filed a legal brief in federal court as part of its ongoing lawsuit to reinstate the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) 2015 net neutrality rules. The legal brief, which was filed in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals alongside dozens of public interest groups, state attorneys general, industry associations, and companies, argues that the FCC’s decision to repeal the rules in 2017 violated federal law.
The 2015 net neutrality rules were legally sound, enjoy strong bipartisan support from consumers and members of Congress, and are important to ensure the internet remains a fair and open space for businesses of all sizes.
The following quote can be attributed to Sarah Morris, Director of Open Internet Policy at New America’s Open Technology Institute:
“Our brief details the many ways in which the FCC failed to heed the voices of millions of Americans who support strong, enforceable net neutrality protections. By repealing the rules against blocking, throttling and paid prioritization, and undoing the FCC’s legal authority to oversee broadband internet service, Chairman Pai led the Commission in an unprecedented abdication of responsibility over the public interest.
“The Commission’s repeal of net neutrality was arbitrary and capricious; it fundamentally misinterprets multiple mandates under the Communications Act, and it represents a stark departure from a decade of bipartisan agency precedent. The Open Technology Institute stands firm among a fierce cadre of public interest advocates, state attorneys general, companies, and trade associations in opposition to the FCC’s actions.”