OTI Statement on Selection of Ajit Pai to Lead FCC
Press Release

Mark Van Scyoc / Shutterstock.com
Jan. 23, 2017
Today, President Trump designated Ajit Pai to lead the Federal Communications Commission. Pai is currently in his first term as an FCC commissioner and previously worked for Verizon Communications, the Department of Justice, and the FCC.
The following quote can be attributed to Sarah Morris, director of open internet policy for New America's Open Technology Institute:
“Throughout his tenure at the FCC, Commissioner Pai has been a steadfast opponent of net neutrality and consumer privacy rules, and a rubber stamp for mega-mergers. His anti-regulatory agenda is a gift to telecom lobbyists and a major threat to consumers, small businesses, and the American economy. We urge the Commission to remain true to its public interest mandate and resist efforts to roll back vital consumer protections like the Open Internet Order. The American people need an FCC that fights for them, and they will hold this FCC Chairman accountable.”