OTI Testifies on Capitol Hill Today on Internet Governance and Tomorrow on Data Breach

Press Release
May 13, 2015

Washington, DC - This week, two New America Open Technology Institute staff are slated to testify in Congress on two different technology policy issues. Today, May 13, at 2 PM, Senior Policy Analyst Danielle Kehl will testify at an Energy & Commerce Committee hearing on the future of Internet governance. At 10 AM tomorrow, May 14, Senior Policy Counsel Laura Moy will testify at a Financial Services Committee hearing on data security and breach notification.

Kehl will testify Wednesday at 2 PM before the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the Energy & Commerce Committee, at a hearing titled “Stakeholder Perspectives on the IANA Transition.” Kehl co-authored Controlling Internet Infrastructure: The “IANA Transition” and Why It Matters for the Future of the Internet, a policy paper recently published by OTI explaining what is at stake as the United States brings its direct oversight of the Internet’s Domain Name System to an end. Kehl’s written testimony can be found here.

The following can be attributed to Danielle Kehl, Senior Policy Analyst at New America’s Open Technology Institute:

"The Domain Name System is an important piece of the Internet's core infrastructure, and it's good to see more public scrutiny of the IANA transition. This is an important process that's difficult to understand, so we are encouraged to see members of Congress asking questions about it. At the same time, it's important to respect the transition process that's currently underway and to make sure that Congress does not take steps that could be seen as substituting the U.S. government's judgment for the decisions made by the global multi-stakeholder community. In the long run, a successful IANA transition is the best way to preserve the free and open Internet, and will serve the interests of the U.S. government and the broader community."

Moy will testify Thursday at 10 AM before the House Financial Services Committee at a hearing titled “Protecting Consumers: Financial Data Security in the Age of Computer Hackers.” This marks the second time Moy has testified on the issue, the first being at a March 18 hearing before the Commerce, Manufacturing, & Trade Subcommittee of the Energy & Commerce Committee. Moy’s testimony from the earlier hearing, along with other materials she has written on the issue, are available on New America’s website. Her written testimony for tomorrow’s hearing is available here.

The following can be attributed to Laura Moy, Senior Policy Counsel of New America’s Open Technology Institute:

“As consumers share and companies store ever-increasing amounts of personal data, it is appropriate for Congress to consider the important issue of data security and breach notification, but as they do so we urge lawmakers to carefully consider the impact any new law will have on existing consumer protections. A new law could benefit consumers, but it could also harm consumers if it replaces strong state-level protections with a weaker federal standard. We are grateful for the opportunity to testify on the issue and look forward to continuing to work with lawmakers to ensure consumers are protected by any new legislation on this issue.”

Combined with OTI Policy Director Kevin Bankston’s April 29 testimony on encryption technology and possible U.S. policy responses, delivered before a subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform, and Moy’s previous testimony on data security and breach notification, this week’s hearings will bring the total number of Congressional hearings at which OTI has testified in the space of two months time to four.