Abrahm Lustgarten

Emerson Collective Fellow, 2022

Abrahm Lustgarten, Emerson Collective Fellow, is a senior reporter at ProPublica, where he has written about the environment and climate change since 2008, and a regular contributor to the New York Times Magazine. During his time as a fellow, he worked on a book about how climate change will force a great global migration and a demographic reorganization of the United States for Farrar Straus & Giroux. Lustgarten was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for his 2015 work about water scarcity and the Colorado River. He won a George Polk Award, the Overseas Press Club's Whitman Bassow Award, and the National Academies of Sciences' communication award, among others, for his reporting on the environment.

Selected Work

  • The Great Climate Migration Has Begun: An article for the New York Times Magazine investigating the declining environmental conditions for approximately one fifth of the global population and how people in Central America, as an example, will likely migrate north to the United States in response.
  • How Climate Migration Will Reshape America: An analysis for the New York Times Magazine on how U.S. population centers will be forever altered by climate change and how Americans are beginning to move in response.
  • New Climate Maps Show a Transformed United States: A graphical representation of unique new climate data for ProPublica that shows how U.S. regions will be affected by specific climate-driven perils.
  • How Russia Wins the Climate Crisis: An exploration of how the global north stands to benefit economically and climatologically as the climate warms, and may harness global migration in the process, for the New York Times Magazine.

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