Aleksandar Kostić

Research Fellow, Planetary Politics

Aleksandar Kostić is Research Fellow for Planetary Politics at New America, and Graduate Student in Anthropology at Princeton University. Kostić’s current research focus is environment protection in Central Asia, primarily biodiversity conservation in Kyrgyzstan, where he is particularly interested in institutional change at the intersection of the regional context of transformation of post-Soviet institutions and the global conservation and climate change adaptation initiatives. Previously, he researched transnational labor migrations from Serbia to Switzerland; as well as regional public policy education initiatives in Western Balkans, especially their effect on public administration reform in Serbia.

Kostić holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from University of Belgrade, Serbia, and master’s degrees in Anthropology from University of Sussex, UK, and Princeton University. He worked at Petnica Science Center, an educational NGO in Serbia, where he mostly taught anthropology to high school students; and as Assistant at research projects at Center for Education Policy, a think tank in Belgrade, Serbia.