Farai Maguwu

Farai Maguwu is the Director of the Centre for Natural Resource Governance (CNRG). He is credited for being one of the pioneers of activism against the negative impacts of extractive industries in Zimbabwe with his ground-breaking research and advocacy work which exposed horrific human rights abuses against artisanal miners in Marange diamond fields in 2008. This got him arrested and denied bail for 5 weeks in 2010. In 2011 Maguwu was honoured by Human Rights Watch with the Alison Des Forges Award for Extraordinary Activism. He was also honoured by Rapaport for defending artisanal diamond miners and for promoting clean diamonds. Together with his team at CNRG, they move around the country training communities to defend their land, water, cultural and economic rights. He holds an MA in Peace & Governance from Africa University and an MA in Peace and conflict Studies from the European University Centre for Peace studies in Austria.