Grace Ramsey

Grace Ramsey is the co-director of Democracy Rising. Grace brings over 10 years of experience working on voter education campaigns across the country. She began her career as an organizer with FairVote Minnesota’s Rank Your Vote campaign, went on to become deputy director of outreach at FairVote, and led voter education and organizing campaigns as a consultant with Democracy in Action before co-founding Democracy Rising in 2020. Over the course of her career, she has come to deeply understand and appreciate the power of community organizing. Grace specializes in voter and candidate education, training development and facilitation, community organizing, and leadership development.

Grace has worked on campaigns to adopt or implement ranked choice voting in Alaska, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Oakland, Duluth, Maine, Santa Fe, Memphis, Las Cruces, New York City, Eastpointe, Albany, Palm Desert, Yakima, Portland, in 23 cities across the state of Utah, and in the four states (AK, KS, HI, and WY) where the Democratic party used ranked ballots for their 2020 presidential primaries.