Paige Bethmann

New America Fellow, 2025

Paige Bethmann is a Haudenosaunee filmmaker based in Reno, Nevada. Over the last 10 years, Bethmann has worked in nonfiction television for various digital and broadcast networks such as ESPN, PBS, Vox Media, Youtube Originals, USA, and NBC. Bethmann is currently directing and producing her debut feature documentary, Remaining Native, which follows a 17-year-old Native American runner navigating his dream of becoming an elite athlete while the memory of his great grandfather’s escape from an Indian boarding school begins to connect past, present, and future. Her work has been supported by the Sundance Edit and Story Lab, International Documentary Association, Doc Society, Logan Nonfiction program, 4th World Media Lab, Points North Institute, and the Perspective Fund. Bethmann is a graduate of Ithaca College and holds a bachelor’s degree in film and television from the Park School of Communications.

Selected Work

  • Remaining Native: The website for Remaining Native which includes a teaser trailer.
  • Native America, Episode 3 “Women Rule”: An episode of Native America which follows four extraordinary individuals from across the country who carry forward deep traditions to better their communities, their lands, and the world.