Seth Harp

ASU Future Security Fellow, 2025

Seth Harp is an investigative reporter and foreign correspondent who writes about the intersection of armed conflict and organized crime. A contributing editor at Rolling Stone, he has reported from countries including Iraq, Syria, Mexico, Ukraine, and elsewhere for Harper’s, the New Yorker, The Intercept, and Columbia Journalism Review. He has also written for the New York Times and the Texas Observer. He is currently working on a book for Viking Press about drug-trafficking in the U.S. Army Special Forces and a series of unsolved murders at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Before becoming a journalist, Harp practiced law for five years, and was an Assistant Attorney General for the state of Texas. During college and law school, he served in the U.S. Army Reserve and did one tour of duty in Iraq. He lives in Austin, Texas, where he was born and raised.

Selected Work

  • The Fort Bragg Murders: When the bodies of two veteran special operations soldiers turn up riddled with bullets in the woods of Fort Bragg, dark secrets emerge about the extent of drug-trafficking in the Special Forces, in this feature for Rolling Stone that is currently being expanded into a book for Viking Press.
  • Army of Shadows: A report for Harper’s during the 2022 battle of Kyiv on the formation of the Ukrainian International Legion.
  • In Harm’s Way: An investigation for Harper’s on a plague of unsolved femicides on the outskirts of Mexico City.