Tricia D. Olsen, PhD, is professor and Stassen Chair of World Peace at the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs and Department of Political Science. Olsen studies and teaches about human rights, business ethics, and the political economy of development, with a focus on Latin America. Dr. Olsen’s book, Seeking Justice: Access to Remedy for Corporate Human Rights Abuse (Cambridge University Press, 2023), provides an in-depth exploration of victims’ access to remedy mechanisms for corporate human rights abuses. The findings in her book are drawn from her original, large-N database of historical trends of businesses’ human rights practices, the Corporations & Human Rights (CHRD) database. Olsen has received support from various organizations for her research, including the National Science Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, USAID, and Fulbright-Hays. Her published work can be found in World Development, Organization Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, among others. Olsen earned her doctorate in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.