[ONLINE] - Public Interest Technology University Network Annual Convening
Hosted by CUNY
New America's Public Interest Technology University Network (PITUN) invites you to participate in the online programming at the annual PIT-UN convening on Oct. 28 and 29. At the Convening, participants will engage with partners from higher education, philanthropy, public policy, the arts, and activism to discuss building the public interest technology sector. Over two days, attendees will participate in a variety of experiences aimed at leveraging PIT-UN to address pressing challenges related to racial equity, climate justice, and food justice.
Oct. 28 | 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET
Julian Brave NoiseCat
NoiseCat’s work cuts across the fields of journalism, policy, research, art, activism and advocacy, often engaging multiple disciplines at once. He is the Vice President of Policy & Strategy with Data for Progress, a think tank, the Narrative Change Director of The Natural History Museum, an artist and activist collective, and a fellow at the Type Media Center, NDN Collective and the Center for Humans and Nature.
Oct. 29 | 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET
Closing Celebration Led by Ingrid LaFleur
LaFleur is a curator, artist, afrofuture theorist, pleasure activist, and founder of The Afrofuture Strategies Institute. Her work explores the frontiers of social justice through emerging technologies, and new economies and modes of government to empower Black bodies and oppressed communities.
Register and select "General Public" under "Registration Type." Once registered, you will receive a live-stream link prior to the convening.