The Stakes Couldn’t be any Higher: COP28 has to Succeed

In The News Piece in Global Policy
Sudarsan Thobias / Shutterstock
Nov. 29, 2023

Martha Molfetas sets the scene for COP28 and argues fossil fuels remain the biggest obstacle to climate justice.

Against the backdrop of an ever-present climate crisis, record greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), and continued financing of fossil fuels, global leaders will be meeting at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP) shortly. COP28 will be convening at Expo City in Dubai, UAE to decide the fate of our climate reality and energy future, from November 30th through December 12th.

Uniquely, COP28 will focus largely on our energy transition and the conclusion of our first Global Stocktake, this represents a huge opportunity to increase ambition. We cannot address our energy, human rights, climate, and sustainable development challenges without a just energy transition. This could be so much more than ‘yet another COP’, it could be an opportunity for nations to rise to this moment. Our collective future is at stake.