[POSTPONED]: A New Era of Reform: What the New Congress Can Learn from the Watergate Era and Since

**Due to the weather, the event has been postponed. **
A new Congress takes its seats this week. Amid a presidency bogged down by scandal, one popular topic is new ideas about reform. As this new era begins, what can we learn from recent history?
In 1974, another new generation came to Congress, breathed life into an institution dominated by elderly men and set out to change the relationship between people and government. Historians Julian Zelizer and Kevin Kruse begin their new book, Fault Lines, at this point and carry the story almost a half-century to the present moment. As a new Congress, not only younger but vastly more diverse, comes to Washington, what are the implications from that earlier period of reformist energy? How can we ensure that reforms succeed and last?
Join New America’s Political Reform Program for a wide-ranging discussion with Kruse, Zelizer and other guests which will put this distinct moment in historical context.
Books will be available for purchase and lunch will be provided.
Kevin M. Kruse, @KevinMKruse
Co-author, Fault Lines: A History of the United States Since 1974
Julian E. Zelizer, @julianzelizer
Co-author, Fault Lines: A History of the United States Since 1974