Does It Matter When A White CEO Says 'Black Lives Matter'?
In The News Piece in NPR
Fortune Live Media / Flickr
Nov. 10, 2016
Lee Drutman was quoted in NPR about the impact of executives taking public stances on issues like race:
Speeches like that signal to other people in high positions that race is something they need to be thinking about, said Lee Drutman, a political scientist at the think tank New America and the author of The Business of America is Lobbying.
"We all look around and kind of figure out what people like us should think," Drutman said. "When you're out on the weekend talking with your friends, and people say, 'Oh, Black Lives Matter is an issue that I care about,' well ... maybe I should care about it. We're all looking to understand the world. ... So to the extent that [Stephenson is] putting it out there ... other CEOs might look around and think yeah, this is something CEOs should care about."