China, America, and the New Competitive Space

*Please note Assistant Secretary Schriver's keynote remarks will be off the record. *
In a recent speech, U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis declared that “great power competition, not terrorism, is now the primary challenge to our national security.”
“Our strategy,” he continued, “seeks to expand the competitive space.”
But what exactly is “the competitive space”? And who is winning it? Join us for an invitation-only event at New America to talk about America, China, and the future of the “competitive space.”
Keynote remarks:
Honorable Randy Schriver
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs
Panel discussion to follow on natural resources, innovation, and cultural and economic power, featuring:
- Nancy Sung, Senior Science Advisor, National Science Foundation;
- David Rank, Senior Advisor to the Cohen Group and former Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy Beijing;
- Mineral Economist at the United States Geological Survey; and
- Leon Clarke, Senior Scientist at the Joint Global Change Research Institute.
Breakfast will be served.
Admittance to event will only be granted with an event confirmation. To request an invitation, please email with your full name, email address, and organizational affiliation.