Nothing But Net
Weekly Article

Dec. 3, 2015
Attorneys representing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will argue this Friday that your Internet experience should be more like that of an airline passenger. Instead of sitting in economy class thinking to yourself that the seats seem to be shrinking, you could be sitting in front of your computer thinking it is now taking longer and longer for websites to load. The idea that the Internet could be splintered into tiers of service — a “fast lane” for the wealthy and a “slow lane” for everyone else — generated record-breaking opposition from millions of Americans, small businesses, tech companies, Members of Congress, President Obama, John Oliver, and public interest groups including OTI. In response to this historic coalition, the FCC adopted the Open Internet Order in February, codifying the strongest rules yet — and using the soundest legal authority — to prevent ISPs from interfering with your ability to access the content of your choosing online. Now, those same ISPs are suing the FCC in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where ISPs will argue before a three-judge panel that the Open Internet Order should be overturned. OTI has formally joined the case as an intervenor, meaning we’ll be at the D.C. Circuit on Friday, too — but we’ll be arguing on the side of Internet freedom, innovation, and the American people. Meanwhile, Congress is attempting to hamstring the FCC’s ability to implement the rules through a series of riders on must-pass budget legislation.
Here are seven articles to get you up to speed on the net neutrality debate:
Internet Coach Class by Danielle Kehl and Sarah Morris, Fortune
If you want a glimpse into what the speed of your Internet connection could look like under tiered internet rules, take yourself back to the last uncomfortable hour of a long plane flight.
Protecting What’s Best About the Internet by Danielle Kehl
In the middle of the net neutrality debate, Danielle Kehl takes a moment to look at what is uniquely at stake in this proceeding. She examines the issues of interconnection, peering, and rules for mobile versus Wi-Fi, and how a ruling on these issues could seriously harm consumers.
The 2014 Open Internet Rollercoaster by Sarah Morris and Danielle Kehl, Slate
In 2014, net neutrality went from an obscure, wonky issue to a national topic of conversation that engaged over four million Americans. This piece takes a brief look back, and considers what this path means for the future of the Internet.
Why the U.S. Net Neutrality Debate Matters Globally by Danielle Kehl, The Hill
The debate over net neutrality doesn’t just matter in the United States, it matters to the rest of the world. At stake is whether the United States will continue to be a leader in protecting the right of users to freely access the content of their choosing online.
Netflix Takes On Comcast. Here's Why You Should Care by Sarah Morris, Slate
Arcane phrases like “Peering” and “net neutrality” may sound dull, but the future of your entertainment is at stake over them.
US Should Look to Brazil and the EU for Strong Net Neutrality Rules by Danielle Kehl, The Hill
In Sao Paolo and Brussels, lawmakers took a firm stand on protecting net neutrality, siding with advocates of a free and open Internet even in the face of fierce lobbying from incumbent service providers. The United States, argues Danielle Kehl, should do the same.
Proposed Net Neutrality Bill is a Solution in Search of a Problem by Sarah Morris and Josh Stager, The Hill
Morris, senior policy counsel for OTI, and Stager, policy counsel for OTI, argue that a recent joint Congressional proposal is an improvement in the legislature’s overall outlook on net neutrality but that—as always—the devil is in the details.