2023 Impact and Reach Report

Blog Post
Dec. 18, 2023
A screenshot of the title page of the Better Life Lab 2023 report, including a whiteboard illustration and a table of contents.

The Better Life Lab has made great strides this past year in crafting strong, evidence-based, and sticky narratives, grounded in the lived experience of people, about the central role care plays in our lives. Our research, reporting, thought leadership, and storytelling focused on how critically important it is for our work systems, our public policies, and our cultural attitudes to fully support our human need to care for ourselves and our loved ones. And, how, when we do, we all benefit. Families, communities, businesses, the economy, and our democracy thrive when we are all able to equitably combine dignified work and time for care and connection across the arc of our lives.

We're excited to present our interactive end-of-year report that lays out not only why our work mattered in 2023, particularly for those most disadvantaged by the status quo, but also what we’re planning to do, and what we hope to do with expanded capacity, as we face emerging harmful narratives and what is likely to be a tumultuous election year in 2024.

As always, we are grateful for our supporters, who believe in us and enable us to do this important work, for our partners who help shape and amplify our work, and for all the people and families who entrust us with their most precious gift—their stories—and have faith in our work-family justice narrative change mission to educate publics, support storytellers, guide public policy, reimagine work and care, re-script popular culture, and innovate new solutions.