Trump's National Security Strategy is Decidedly Non-Trumpian

An exclusive preview of the White House's plan highlights the wide gulf between what the president says and what he does.
In The News Piece in The Atlantic
U.S. Department of Defense
Dec. 8, 2017

Joshua Geltzer was quoted in the Atlantic regarding President Trump's new national-security strategy:

“Whatever value the language of an NSS has, that value depends on the credibility of the deeds and other words that might back it up,” Joshua Geltzer, a visiting professor at Georgetown Law School, and previously the senior director for counterterrorism on the NSC staff, said. “Sadly, there's been too much in the past year designed to stoke fear and sow schisms to make credible language of unity, however much I do crave such unity.”
The NSS should be viewed “less as articulating substantive policies and more as offering, for domestic and foreign audiences alike, a language of foreign policy that's most meaningful to the president, so that others can engage with him on his own terms and understand how particular policies of his fit into a broader world view,” Geltzer said. “That has value if, in fact, it speaks the president's language and makes sense of how the different specific policies he's pursuing fit together in his mind. If it doesn't reflect those things, it's not clear what the exercise has to offer."